Painting the Pinecones

Date: July 19
Total Workshop Time:
6 Hours
Liquid Water Color

Skill Level: All Levels
Min Students:
Max Students:


Janet Nunn

Liquid Watercolor


The Pinecones are easy to paint using a few interesting techniques with the Dr. Ph. Martin’s Hydrus Watercolors.  We will be using mask to save the white of the paper, and wax paper and credit cards for the pine needles.  After we have painted the Pinecones, we will paint another smaller lesson using the skills from the Pinecones.  This process of painting gives you an opportunity to paint with the Liquid Watercolors.  Bring your paint brushes and everything else is provided for you in class.


Painting with wax paper, mask and Dr. Ph. Martin’s Hydrus Watercolor

Student Supply List:

Brushes (if you have them!) 

Watercolor brushes (size 14, 12 and 10 rounds). 

Everything else is provided!

Provided by Instructor:

300 lb Fabriano Artistico paper

Dr. Ph. Martin’s Hydrus Watercolors

Various tools needed to create the lesson

Look like a good fit?