Janet Nunn

The bright color and blending that Janet uses, creates detail and feeling in her paintings.   Capturing the Colorado landscape is one of her favorite compositions.  There is so much to paint in Colorado, from changing colors to varied landscapes and the great people!  Janet uses a paint made in Colorado, Dr. Ph. Martin’s Hydrus Liquid Watercolors. This paint keeps the brightness and consistency in the paintings. Janet’s paintings are featured in Watercolor Artist Magazine (February 2014 issue). The books Splash 14 and 16 also have paintings by Janet, and has been published in Rocky Mountain Gardening.

Janet has also produced three, ”How Do You Paint That” books of 41 step-by-step lessons in each book, available on her website at www.janetnunnwatercolors.com.

As an instructor, Janet enjoys teaching in a positive way. Guiding students to uncover their own style of painting while they learn many unique and surprising watercolor techniques. You can follow some of her lessons online at:


